Test post

This is a test post to test how PowerShell code works. Minim fugiat anim ex non et cupidatat ex ea ex veniam in exercitation cillum sunt reprehenderit ullamco quis. Adipisicing elit est adipisicing consectetur est ad ad et aute qui. Incididunt ut ipsum exercitation voluptate labore magna ullamco elit esse ex sint amet officia laboris elit cillum officia. Velit consectetur voluptate do proident voluptate voluptate officia dolor elit nulla pariatur consequat irure dolor sit nulla... »

Why I Never Became a Billionaire…

You see, I’m a big man, perhaps. So many Nigerian princes have known me personally, who inherited loads and loads of wealth, BBC and other such giants have sponsored so many lotteries and I have won so many, but I never thought of claiming the money. I have always been about getting into social service (though I work for an IT services giant), and I love being around children who like to learn. I would... »

Do you still CMD?

Hey there, long time no see! Yeah right, you and I both have a full time job that only gives us time enough to watch an episode of Man vs Wild! Alright, I’ll get to the point. So the question was, how many of us use the good old Command Prompt these days? How many of us have switched to PowerShell? How many of us still type in short commands in the Run window to... »

From LOGO to TouchDevelop (Part 2)

Zoom, a few years passed and we were probably a generation or two ahead of the computers back in 1997 now, and we had computers with Paint on them. As we memorised Start\Programs\Accessories\Paint, we looked at the mouse on all the computers and were happy about it. Now all the computers were almost the same as… oh wait… Computer—1 had speakers this time and it was now called Multimedia Computer! We remembered that hadn’t happened... »

From LOGO to TouchDevelop (Part 1)

I do not remember the first time I saw a computer. It was perhaps in my dad’s office in 1995. He had described a computer to be “a set of boxes that is capable of doing a lot of magic”. Well, how else could you define something like that to a five- or six-year-old kid who hadn’t yet seen one? The kid hadn’t known what a photocopier or a Xerox machine looked like either. The... »